

Many people worry about having dental treatment and many are genuinely ‘phobic’. Sedation is a technique that provides patients with deep relaxation and controls anxiety. Patients are awake, able to speak and are fully in control of what is happening but are not afraid.


Sedation is a very safe technique and patients are fully monitored using the latest technology whilst they are having treatment. Sedation is a good alternative to having a general anaesthetic.

Sedation can be given by one of three methods:

  • Inhalation (‘happy air’, this requires NO needle)
  • Oral (tablets, again NO needle)
  • Intravenous (injection, usually in the back of the hand).

We are one of the few practices in the region that can offer all these types of sedation.

Sedation can also be used for patients who are not necessarily anxious but are undergoing unpleasant procedures such as wisdom tooth removal.

Robert Glover will be happy to discuss the most appropriate form of anxiety control with you. The team at The Mount Dental Practice are highly experienced ion sedation and have all the appropriate training. Robert has achieved the prestigious Diploma in Dental Sedation from Newcastle University.

Call us now for more information about sedation – 01904 623436

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